Do your loved ones complain that your snoring has kept them awake at night?
Perhaps you’ve been relegated to the couch too many times for your liking. If your snoring is driving your household mad, keep reading! Here, we discuss the benefits of the custom-made anti-snoring devices offered by us here at Dental House in Surrey.
The effects of snoring at night
Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our health, mood and overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, snoring affects over 40% of the UK population leading to a host of households reeling from tiredness, irritability, stress and headaches…including for those family members who are awake to hear the snoring!
Although snoring can affect anyone at any age, the main culprits of this sleep disorder are smoking, being overweight, and excessive alcohol consumption. Whatever the cause, it’s important to address the issue so that you (and your loved ones) can get the full eight hours of shut-eye necessary to function throughout the day. Here at Dental House, we offer our patients the gift of a good night’s sleep through custom-fit Silensor-sl anti-snoring devices.

Stop snoring with the Silensor-sl nightguard
Worn in the mouth at night on both upper and lower dental arches, the Silensor-sl ‘snoreguard’ gently keeps the airways open whilst you sleep, ensuring minimal vibration of the throat tissue that would usually keep you snoring through the twilight hours. Comfortable and completely metal-free, the Silensor-sl is a high-tech approach to allow you to breathe easy at night and help you to stop snoring.

Custom-made anti-snoring devices in Surrey
Custom-made by our in-house lab in Sunbury-on-Thames, your Silensor-sl anti-snoring appliance will be created, fitted, adjusted and maintained by a trained expert right here at the Dental House practice. Our team is also qualified to identify patients at risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and refer them for treatment if needed.
Are you looking for an answer to ‘how to stop snoring?’
Keep harmony in your household and sleep peacefully with the professionally made anti-snoring devices by Dental House. Book an initial consultation online or by phoning 01932 239076.